Sunday, October 31, 2010

day 44_to the bank and back

Another Saturday, another day of much wandering. I find that it is best if I have a destination - keeps me moving - but I also enjoy the exploration each time to and from the point of interest. This Saturday's goal was the bank. Now that I have a bank account here, I needed to locate the nearest branch location relative to my apartment and get out some cash for the week [Because so many places accept cash only, I doubt I will be using my new debit card very often...] Also, they were able to set up my landlords account under 'my account' list so that paying rent each month is a simple account-to-account transfer... this eliminates the need to contact my landlord who speaks little to no English. Very convenient for me! Unfortunately, the banks here are not open on Saturday, but the ATM is always open and you can make account transfers at the ATM so that works for me. I also have something called a "pass book" here. It reminds me of a check register ~ used to balance your checkbook. I have never had a pass book before, but my mother and father-in-law tell me they used to exist for savings accounts in the US long before my time...

I set out and walked to the bank, the walk was at least a mile, maybe more. Along the way, I stumbled upon a Breast Cancer Rally at the nearby historical Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall. It took me a moment to realize what exactly was going on, but the more I looked around, the more pink ribbons and roses I saw ~ and ultimately I found signage to confirm my suspicions. The memorial hall is near my home - the next stop on the MRT blue line - and I visited in 2006, but have yet to go again during this trip. This building is so magnificent from far away, or close up :) It's on my list of places to visit again.

Breast Cancer Rally at Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall
Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall landscaping

Tourists photographing children blowing bubbles
I'm not actually sure if these people knew the children blowing the bubbles or not, but they attracted quite the crowd. A picture perfect young boy wearing light blue, and young girl wearing light pink, just blowing bubbles at each other... on and on. I stopped, admired for a moment, and took a photo myself! But my pic is mostly of the tourists' fascination ;) The landscaping here is lovely too. The grounds are quite large, and there is a walking perimeter around the edge. If I had a dog in the city, we would come walking here. Even without the dog, I have added it to my mental list of nice places nearby to go for a stroll.

A local fruit stand

Fruit stands like this one are abundant
Fruit and juice are actually quite popular here in Taipei. I would say juice is the second most popular beverage only to tea. This fruit stand is one of many, and there are also fruit trucks. They always look delicious. It is a wonder that I am so fascinated when I paid such little attention to the fruit back in Texas. Then again, this is a tropical island - the fruit supply seems to be abundant, and the fruits are larger and fresher than the supply at my local grocery store in Dallas seemed to be - straight "off the vine" so to speak.

Just a quiet little street with shops & restaurants
I love walking down the little side streets here. It seems no matter which direction you choose, there are colorful signs with Chinese characters, good food, little shops, people. I typically venture into a few shops, enjoy the people watching, imagine what the people near me are discussing in Chinese. People watching and listening is one of my favorite activities. Even when I can't read or speak in any given moment, it is always interesting, always so much life around me.

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